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Collapse Issue 491:<br />30 Mar 2020<br />_____________Issue 491:
30 Mar 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Teachers are designing activities for home learning

Teachers at Pretty Beach Public School are designing student learning activities that can be accessed at home, according to principal Ms Karen Wardlaw.

"Work activities are being suggested for each class on a weekly basis," she said.

"These are designed to offer learning tasks for each of the Key Learning Areas that your child would normally experience in the classroom.

"These are part of a planned learning sequence and should be familiar."

The activities can be accessed via the school's website.

Activities are listed via year group with information about how to contact relevant teachers also available under each activity tab.

Ms Wardlaw said this was a challenging time for the community and that the staff would be there to assist as families settled in to this new way of learning and living.

"As we cannot replicate the learning experiences that would normally happen in a classroom within a weekly activity overview, our teachers have worked hard to select tasks that students should be able to attempt independently.

"However, for many of our students, particularly those in younger grades, this may prove a challenge as they transition to a more individual style of learning.

"So much of our rich learning experiences in the classroom are activity and group based.

"We learn by thinking out loud with others, questioning, explaining, wondering, building on the ideas of others, challenging ideas and creating new ones.

"Our teachers are working on creative ways to provide online spaces for students to still engage in these tasks and this will be provided when we have these systems of delivery up and running.

"Teachers are particularly wonderful creatures who have an amazing ability to engage children in learning and they have the professional experience to do this in ways that seem natural or easy."

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