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Collapse Issue 491:<br />30 Mar 2020<br />_____________Issue 491:
30 Mar 2020
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Council elections postponed 12 months

The NSW Government has postponed the September Central Coast Council elections for 12 months in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Central Coast mayor Cr Lisa Matthews said: "The decision to postpone local government elections provides stability for our community in the face of adversity.

"It is a sensible decision."

The amendment to the Local Government Act gives the Minister the power to call a possible further extension to December 31 next year.

It also allows councils to hold official meetings electronically instead of physically.

Local ward representative Cr Chris Holstein said: "At any election, the transition period and getting new councilors up to speed will be extensive for themselves and, in turn, the organisation.

"The current council's continuation in this current situation allows continuity for staff and one less challenge for them in these challenging circumstances," he said.

"With four to five councillors indicating they are not standing at the next election would mean that challenge will be there.

"The extension still needs commitment from all current councillors, re-standing or not, to continue in fulfilling their duties to support the community and staff operations.

"The current crisis may also allow some to reflect on the priorities in this region and show a greater unity, rather than political or self-interest," Cr Holstein said.

The postponement of the September 2020 elections will not change the future schedule of council elections, and the subsequent elections will still proceed in September 2024.

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