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Collapse Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005
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New name for Monastir Rd

Gosford Council has resolved to adopt the name of Roma Cl for part of Monastir Rd, Phegans Bay.

A proposal to rename part of the street had been brought to council on August 2 following concerns over emergency vehicles having difficulty locating houses on the street.

Following a 30-day advertising period, it was suggested by a representative of residents on the street to maintain the existing street signage but to add additional signage that would display the suburb name, "Access to 94-104 only" and No Through Road.

Mr Craig Richmond said residents rejected the proposed name change because it would not minimize the difficulty in public and emergency services locating the properties, emergency services already had locating devices to assist in locating properties and that within local maps Monastir Rd was clearly defined.

Mr Richmond said the additional signage would be located underneath the existing street name sign and on the electricity pole.

At the council meeting of December 6, Cr Chris Holstein reiterated the need for a name change.

"We had a plan to change the name because there was confusion and difficulty at times with emergency vehicles," Cr Holstein said.

"With Monastir Rd, it's a long way to realise you've gone down the wrong street and have to go down the other.

"I attended one of the resident group meetings out there.

"The only comment I received from a resident out there was that they didn't like the name Roma Cl.

"The whole idea of changing the name in the first place was to make sure we wouldn't have difficulties with emergency vehicles," Cr Holstein said.

"I think you seriously have to consider that in the time of an emergency there is a long distance between the two.

"It's a long way around if you get it wrong."

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