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Collapse Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005
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Licence granted to Everglades

Gosford Council has resolved to grant Everglades Country Club a licence for a car park and access way, to help with its major proposed upgrade for its car park and road surface.

The licence would last for 21 years, during which time the cost of maintenance for the area would become the club's responsibility.

The club would also become responsible for public liability in the area, and would have to make the area available for the use of the general public.

Everglades Country Club applied to council to purchase Lot 1 and to lease part of Lot 85 in July 2001.

The areas include the public car park adjacent to the club and the access roadway passing the entrance to the club at Woy Woy.

Following investigation of the sale-lease proposal by council staff and subsequent negotiation, the club agreed to revise the application.

It was then proposed that council grant Everglades Country Club a licence for use of the car park and access roadway for a term of 21 years.

The granting of a licence would provide the club with assurance of tenure and would allow the club executive to fully fund major upgrading works proposed for the car park and access roadway.

Both sites were formerly part of an area used as a garbage disposal depot.

Everglades Country Club has deposited funds with council for the maintenance and upgrading of the car park and access roadway adjacent to the club since 2002.

During this period, the club has funded the erection of perimeter fencing, the installation of car park lighting and continuing road surface maintenance.

A report from council stated that the club now proposed to fund a major staged upgrade to the car park and road surface in the near future, estimated to cost initially in the order of $90,000.

Funds currently held by council on behalf of the club totalled $59,630.

The report stated that it was expected that the licence would provide the club with some security of tenure if it were to commit funding to major upgrading work and make future maintenance commitments.

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