Lengthy debate over PUDS
A lengthy debate took place at Gosford Council's meeting of December 6 about the Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy, before it was finally resolved to refer it back to a Strategy Policy meeting.
President of the Peninsula Residents Association Ms Fran Armstrong spoke against the strategy, reiterating several issues that the association had previously been concerned about.
Ms Armstrong said issues included building heights, infrastructure and the consultation process.
"The document doesn't address the traffic or increased population during high tourist season," Ms Armstrong said.
"In terms of population increases, I note that the document states there is a risk to public amenity.
"The document still requires that there be an up-to-date traffic study."
Mr Armstrong said that in terms of building heights the association has made it quite clear and also in public forums that residents were not happy with the building heights proposed within PUDS.
"There still remains inconsistencies regarding (height) averages in the document," Ms Armstrong said.
"We still have issues in relation to the consultation process for PUDS, and we continue to urge council to work with the residents of the area in relation to any of the planning that happens in the Peninsula.
"I don't believe that the strategy-policy workshop has dealt with issues such as drainage."
Ms Armstrong said the association also believed some of the work in the document was quite good.
Cr Malcolm Brooks said he agreed with some of the comments made by the speaker, especially about height limits.
"In the Ettalong CBD, we have a four storey hotel development which I'm saying should be the height limit of the CBD," Cr Brooks said.
"In my opinion the community has accepted that as the height.
"I dispute some of the comments that have been said, that by reducing the heights to three, four and five stories it would not be economically viable."
Cr Brooks said he was also concerned about traffic and congestion.
"It will constrain population growth on the Woy Woy Peninsula," Cr Brooks said.
"Clearly we need a lot more infrastructure funding from the State Government for medium density and higher density."
Cr Brooks moved an amendment accepting the PUDS document, but limiting heights in the Umina CBD to three stories, Ettalong CBD to four stories and Woy Woy CBD to six stories.
Cr Peter Hale said there was no point hiring consultants if councillors were just going to change the strategies anyway.
"I am amazed that this council pays anybody to do anything," Cr Hale said.
"We have had two to three strategy-policy meetings, and two presentations by the consultant involved.
"I think that the council has spent nearly $700,000 or $800,000 with Mr Newbold.
"We are now going to change it and make a special lot of rules for the Peninsula.
"We should stop employing experts.
"I can't believe that this much effort has gone into something and we just brush it off."
Cr Hale said that all PUDS did was create a strategy that should be taken into consideration with the City-wide development control plan.
"The State of the Region report talks about the failure of Gosford, and lack of opportunity here," Cr Hale said.
"We have to develop this community, and that doesn't mean building buildings. It's about building lifestyle and this is a part of the process."
Cr Terri Latella said she felt councillors were being hasty deciding the future strategy of the Peninsula in 18 months.
"This isn't doing it right, and I am against supporting PUDS," Cr Latella said.
"I don't accept PUDS at this stage."
Cr Trevor Drake said he thought the strategy should be left as it was.
"It's going to be absorbed by the City-wide LEP in any event," Cr Drake said.
"There are elements of the community down there that object to any kind of development.
"Whether we like it or not, we are within commuting distance of where the work is.
"Whether we like it or not, development has to occur.
"PUDS is about saying if we support these levels developers will come in and support the development.
"Roads follow development."
Cr Drake said he would support the recommendation.
"Let's just do what the report says and let it move forward."
Cr Brooks stated that consultants were there to give advice, not direction.
"I reserve the right to make that final decision, and I make that decision on the best evidence to me," Cr Brooks said.
"Is it fair to all concerned, the community, and will it benefit our lifestyle on the Central Coast.
"As soon as you give somebody a higher zoning on their land normally if they were asking a million, the price of the land will go up to any potential buyer.
"It becomes a never ending dog chasing its tail."
Cr Brooks said he strongly supported the height level variation that he had moved, which included limiting heights in the CBDs.
After this motion was rejected, Cr Brooks later moved a motion to limit the heights in the CBD's to three stories in Umina, three stories in Ettalong and two to five stories in Woy Woy.
This motion was also rejected.
The strategy has now been referred back to a strategy policy meeting.
Lyle Stone, December 6