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Collapse Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005
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Women's exercise franchise opens

A women's exercise franchise has opened up on the Peninsula.

Curves opened on December 3 in the Clocktower building, adjacent Woy Woy station.

The exercise regime at Curves involves a 30-minute workout, where women complete a circuit that provides a total body strengthening and cardiovascular workout.

Owner of Curves Woy Woy, Ms Gael Connop, said that on average women were losing two to four kilograms a month without dieting.

"It's not magic," said Ms Connop.

"It's simply a brilliant training circuit that is scientifically designed to meets the needs of the female body, and just as importantly, recognises the way women like to work out."

The Curves circuit is made up of low-injury hydraulic resistance machines for upper and lower body that don't put strain on the joints and work two sets of muscle groups each.

Between each machine, women jog or walk on 'cardio recovery' spring platforms to maintain their optimal heart-rate for burning fat.

The half-hour ends with a series of stretching exercises.

Every 30 seconds, participants change stations.

"You don't have time to give up, get discouraged, or get bored," said Ms Connop.

"Curves is like a girl's club where everyone knows your name.

"It's friendly, supportive and heaps of fun where we're all motivated to help each other achieve their fitness goals.

"Teenagers, women in their 70s, women of all shapes and sizes, love having a place where they can work out without feeling shy or embarrassed about their bodies.

"It doesn't matter what you wear or how you look, there's no judgment on our circuit."

Curves currently has more than 9000 Clubs and four million members worldwide. According to Ms Connop, a new club opens somewhere in the world every four hours.

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