Support for Mary Mac's
Central Coast Community Chest has presented with a cheque for $1520 to Mary Mac's Place for a three-month supply of groceries.
Mary Mac's is a project of St John the Baptist Parish, supported by Centacare and St Vincent de Paul, which provides freshly-cooked, nutritious midday meals to people in need in the local community.
Mary Mac's steering committee volunteers Biddy Elliott and Pat Slattery, volunteer Willy Woods, and project officer Robyn Schacht received the cheque from Community Chest chairperson Ms Lorrain Wilson on Thursday, August 4.
Volunteers at Mary Mac's Place served over 600 meals last month to individuals and families struggling to make ends meet.
"Over 125 of our guests last month were women and children," said Ms Schacht.
The presentation was held at Wideline Pty Ltd, Tuggerah, where staff contributed through a payroll deduction program to Central Coast Community Chest's support of over 60 charitable organisations on the Central Coast.
General manager Cr Chris Holstein said that all money donated to Central Coast Community Chest went directly to assisting people at a local level through these community groups.
Press release, August 3
Mary Mac's Place