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Collapse Issue 123 - 08 Aug 2005Issue 123 - 08 Aug 2005
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Top students receive awards

An assembly to present awards to the top 10 students from Years 7 to 12 at Brisbane Water Secondary College was held on Wednesday, August 3, at the Woy Woy Campus.

Students were given awards recognizing their achievements and dedication to their studies.

College principal Mr Pat Lewis said: "The students committed themselves to a cool business."

He recognized the importance of their families and teachers and commended them for their support.

He also spoke of the school's "outstanding results" in both academic and sporting arenas.

The Year 8 students reading skills has half of them rating in the top band of students across the state, while the senior debating team achieved equal third in the State semi finals, out of 400 schools.

Alex Brown represented NSW on a cricketing tour of England and the women's lawn bowls team won the State Championships, beating every school they played.

Mrs L. Hickey then spoke of the pride in the school and told the students to "keep it up".

The awards are selected by the head teachers nominating students who are at the top of their subjects.

The students' work was then collated and chosen for their excellence.

Special awards were also given to Nicholas de Winter for Junior Achiever Support Unit and Sarah Goldsworthy for the Senior Achiever Support Unit.

The students received a certificate and a school pen.

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