Organising food for East Africa
Umina business woman Ms Pam Curley is organising for two container loads of Vitameal, a nutrient-dense, specially-formulated food that is transportable, to be sent to the disaster regions of East Africa.
"A child dies every six seconds from malnutrition," Ms Curley said.
"This heart-breaking statistic is driven by disease, drought, dictators and disaster.
"Around 15,000 children die each day making a total of five million children a year.
"Millions more survive, but their growth and intelligence is stunted due to lack of vital nutrients. And yet there is enough in this world for every hungry child."
Ms Curley said Nourish the Children, in association with World Vision, is dedicated to improving the lives of children living in poverty through donations of VitaMeal.
One project leading into Christmas is to send two container loads of Vitameal to the disaster regions of East Africa.
"I am organising for individuals, businesses, groups of people, families, friends, clubs, neighbours, to work together to pay for donations of Vitameal," Ms Curley said.
For more information, contact Pam Curley on 0407 005 027 and visit the website
Press release, August 2
Pam Curley