Digital workshop for seniors
The Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association will be holding a residential workshop for seniors entitled Let's Go Digital at the Everglades Country Club, Woy Woy, on August 8 and 9.
Organised especially for members of the many computer clubs for seniors, the workshop will focus on converting records and video tape to CD and DVD for personal use.
Seniors who are not members of clubs are also welcome to enrol.
Participants will learn about the equipment needed, the availability of free or reasonably priced software, and will also have the opportunity to use it themselves at the workshop.
There will be a session on digital photography, with an opportunity to discuss digital concepts and procedures with more experienced members of the various computer clubs.
Association president Ms Nan Bosler will welcome Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews and Minister for the Central Coast Mr Grant McBride for the official opening of the workshop at 9am on August 8.
The association is the peak body for seniors' computer clubs throughout Australia, and has recently gained its 111th member club.
Every state is represented.
Many clubs are community-based, while others are associated with retirement villages, the University of the Third Age (U3A) or with community colleges.
There are a number of clubs on the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and the Hunter, all of which provide peer-to-peer training in basic computing and more advanced computer applications.
This will be the association's second annual workshop for seniors.
The first, on the theme of digital photography, was held at Mittagong last year, and was deemed a great success by participants, according to Ms Bosler.
"Attendees particularly valued the opportunity to get together over meals and exchange ideas and gain advice," Ms Bosler said.
More information about the association and the various computer clubs for seniors is available at, by email at or by phone on 9286 3871.
Press release, August 4
Nan Bosler, ASCCA