Treatment plant planned at depot
Gosford Council's Woy Woy depot is being considered as the site of a groundwater treatment plant.
Gosford and Wyong Councils joint water authority board has approved the expenditure of $1.3 million by May for "pre-construction works" for the plant.
Up to February, a total of $583,000 had been spent on the project.
Total expenditure on the Woy Woy groundwater scheme is expected to cost $5 million, of which about $2.2 million would be spent on treatment.
The water board will be seeking tenders for the proposed treatment facility in the near future and will consider options of hiring or purchasing a treatment facility.
The board has been told that the project may be held up awaiting completion of groundwater modeling.
This is required as part of the licensing approval process required by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources.
The placement of the order for the treatment plant/s and commencement of the pipeline construction was not scheduled until the first week of May.
Approval of the construction funds is expected at the board's May meeting.
Council agenda WS.8, March 8