Local government
Elected servants rush to heed
Commerce's every need,
Back-slaps invoking power and greed,
Revoking planning creed.
Kowtowing to wealth's dance and song,
Where men speak loud and long;
Just one lone voice in that mad throng,
She stands, opposing wrong.
I watch these dramas all unfold,
Such blindness leaves me cold,
This fragile place bulldozed, steamrolled,
Our future swapped for gold.
Rapaciousness gone off the rails,
Relentless wanton wails;
Our paper charts the squalid tales,
Shows how this system fails.
Abused, ignored, veiled threats to sue
Malign our motley crew;
We gather skills, and people too,
Earth's justice overdue.
Shirley Hotchkiss, Umina
Copyright (c) 2005