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Collapse Issue 113 - 21 Mar 2005Issue 113 - 21 Mar 2005
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Community loses voice on committee

Community representation in the place management system proposed by Peninsula Vision document will not occur with the introduction of the business levy.

The system will be more business orientated, according to president of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Mr Matthew Wales.

The funding for the committee will come from the business levy, funds which Gosford Council will collect from Peninsula business owners.

"The businesses control the money," said Mr Wales.

"The council only collects it."

The activities of the committee will be controlled by its members, representing the business communities of Ettalong, Woy Woy and Umina, he said.

It will also have representatives from the Chamber with the possibility of including local or state government representatives.

The current position of place manager, held by Ms Julie Parsons, will be replaced by a business development officer.

"She's done a great job co-ordinating and streamlining community groups, but the new position will be much more business-oriented" said Mr Wales.

"The chief role of the business development officer is to generate activity in the Peninsula's town centres, building bridges between businesses and the community."

The job of co-ordinating community groups will be replaced by a position independent of the special business rate program.

The Chamber of Commerce will call for applicants who have business experience and can demonstrate fiscal responsibility.

The Chamber will seek representatives from both large and small businesses to participate in the committee.

"Three or four months after the business development officer has been selected, we expect to have determined a timetable of suitable pilot programs designed to encourage business growth."

The Peninsula Vision document is an ongoing process that will be updated to serve the needs of the community as it grows and changes, said Mr Wales.

"Ultimately I'd like to see more vibrant town centres, with a quality series of ongoing promotions for each.

"We only spend about 15 per cent of our income supporting local businesses, and I'd like to see that figure double or even triple in the next few years"

"If you don't support local business, it fails.

"The Vision is all about encouraging support by locals for locals."

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