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Collapse Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005
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Pool roof is almost finished

The construction of the Regional Leisure Centre is now 60 per cent complete, according to Gosford Council's recreation manager, Mr Peter Hickman.

He said that, with the roof now almost complete, construction should remain on schedule as wet weather would not affect the building program to any great extent.

"From the road you will see that the pools area is almost complete, with the final finishing stages scheduled to begin in mid-March.

"The finishing stages include the roof and ceiling finishes, glazing, walls and plant areas.

"Inside the pool hall itself, it will look expansive with a white finish to the ceiling and large air conditioning ducting.

"The seating to this area will be a striking yellow colour."

Mr Hickman said the entry hall, kitchen, kiosk, play room and change rooms are also almost complete, with the finishing work scheduled for April.

The staff areas, aerobics room and gym, basketball and netball courts are currently being roofed and lined.

Mr Hickman said external works were continuing with the majority of the main internal road completed.

"Sealing will be done later along with the front and rear car parks.

"This part of the project is way ahead of schedule," Mr Hickman said.

"The colour palette selected for the centre is bright and bold, with modern fittings and furniture that will give the state-of-the-art centre a striking look."

Council's engineering operations section is coordinating the roadworks outside the leisure centre.

Kerb and gutter works in Alpha Rd and Welcome St are well underway.

Alpha Rd is narrower to encourage traffic through the internal roads and along Welcome St.

The crossing works for Alpha Lane have also been completed.

Gosford Council will be considering the staffing of the new facility in April.

A business plan was adopted by council some time ago that gave an indication of the staffing needed for the centre including lifeguards, swimming teachers and coaches, gym staff, reception people, kiosk and kitchen staff.

When council approves the structure, advertisements will appear in the local press.

Work on the acoustic fence will commence in April.

The acoustic fence will be inside the boundary fences.

Planting of shrubs, trees and turf will start in May.

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