Liberal concerns over Hillview land
The State Liberal representative for Peats, Ms Debra Wales, has raised concerns over the controversial aged care facility at Hillview Rd, Woy Woy, after the matter had its first hearing in the Land and Environment Court recently.
"The applicant, Mr Zavolokin, has stated that he is setting new standards for aged housing which meets or exceeds the new State Government planning rules.
"I'm sure he sincerely believes this," said Mrs Wales.
"But the truth is that this is a commercial decision for him.
"He does not live here and does not appreciate the sensitive and historical value of the sand plain forest that he hopes to bulldoze to make way for his 41 self care units.
"The development may indeed look wonderful and provide all the mod cons that older people want including a swimming pool, club house, underground car parking and security gating.
"But this doesn't change the fact that the fully vegetated land represents an important part of what is left of our unique sand plain forest and wildlife corridors."
Ms Wales said it was a pity that the applicant did not pursue further negotiations with Gosford Council.
"Sometimes these things are not about the money but rather what is right for the community," Ms Wales said.
"While retirement accommodation meets a substantial need in the community, it should not be as a result of backdoor medium density housing in our Residential 2(a) areas.
"The community clearly does not support this approach to residential accommodation."
Press release, February 23
Debra Wales