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Collapse Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005
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Enjoy a healthy spectacle

Margaret Lund writes that the Peninsula Surf Clubs have missed an opportunity to educate our visitors about the value of the natural environment (Peninsula News, February 21).

I would agree that our dunes are precious and need to be preserved but why not try to work with the community rather than being so high and mighty about it.

If you ask the surf clubs, they have information on the dunes as well from leading environmentalists which might surprise you.

They may not be the vandals you think they are.

But then again their findings may not agree with yours either, but you will never find out if you do not ask.

I am somewhat confused at the statistics Mr Norm Harris used in his letter in the same edition.

What point is he actually trying to make, has someone got these statistics wrong?

Does it really matter what the crowd or money generated is?

It is more important that we, the general public, get the opportunity to see and enjoy a great healthy event, that our local children are supported in their events and that the shops and businesses get some increase in their takings.

The traffic will not be any worse than your average Saturday on the Peninsula when the people who generally commute everyday get our there in there vehicles.

Let's just enjoy this healthy spectacle.

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