Refuge island is welcomed
The man who called for a refuge island in Hillview St, Woy Woy, has welcomed its installation.
Local resident Mr Wayne Isles said when he saw cars speeding along Hillview St, and the danger this presented to pedestrians, he was shocked.
Frequent users of the footpaths in the area are children and the elderly, and crossing the road was somewhat risky, he said.
Following the death of police officer Mr Chris Thornton on the stretch of road, Mr Isles decided to take action.
Two years ago, he collected signatures for a petition that called for the erection of a pedestrian refuge island, and presented it to Gosford Council.
Mr Isles was pleased to note that a few weeks ago council began construction on the pedestrian refuge island, and it is now is in operation.
"It's important to get involved with the community, especially on matters of safety like this," said Mr Isles.
"It's good that council responded to the resident's opinion in this situation."
Mr Isles had originally asked that the refuge be built in Chris Thornton's memory but that idea was not taken up.
Stuart Baumann, March 3