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Collapse Issue 109 - 25 Jan 2005Issue 109 - 25 Jan 2005
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Volunteers needed for surf carnival

Surf Life Saving (SLS) NSW is calling for volunteers to assist in the running of the 2005 NSW Championships from the February 25 to March 6.

The Junior, Masters and Open NSW Surf Life Saving Championships are being run on Ocean Beach at Umina.

The assistance of some 350 local community-minded volunteers is being sought to support the organising team, according SLS.deputy president and local organising committee chairman, Mr Brett Harrod.

Current Surf Life Saving patrol members are required to patrol either end of Ocean Beach at Umina and four designated competition areas.

General activities volunteers are required for food preparation for officials and volunteers, erecting and dismantling daily of some 30 tents and shade covers along the beach, crowd guidance, gate keeping and competition area assistance and general cleaning and site maintenance.

Volunteer assistance by the Umina Beach Bowling Club membership has already been gained which will primarily assist on weekdays during the championships.

Assistance for each day of the championship is sought.

In particular, support is required on Friday, February 25, Thursday, March 3 and Friday, March 4.

It is anticipated that 8000 competitors, as well as their families and supporters will significantly boost the local Central Coast economy over the two week period.

Volunteers can register by calling 4341 0696.

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