Request to remove roofing waste
Hardys Bay residents have asked Gosford Council to remove roofing tile building waste on the northern side of the Hardys Bay foreshore, around the extension wharf and along Hardys Bay Pde.
The council has received a petition with 109 signatures about the matter.
The petition also requested that a safe traversable passage be cleared in the vicinity of the extension wharf for waterway users.
The petitioners stated that there were derelict terra cotta tiles lying along the foreshore as relics of bygone oyster farm practices.
They had razor sharp edges and posed danger to all users of the foreshore and waterway.
The petitioners also stated that recently-erected long line oyster leases with floating white buoys in front of Hardys Bay Pde restricted access to the Hardys Bay waterway in and around the extension wharf area.
The petitioners requested the removal of the terra cotta tiles and the surrendering of lease area near the extension wharf in Hardys Bay Pde, Killcare.
Council agenda P.11, December 25