Recommendation to keep ground fees
Council staff have recommended that local clubs continue to be charged for the use of sports grounds which are available to the general public at no cost.
The recommendation is being put to Gosford Council at its meeting this Tuesday, January 25.
Fields that would continue to incur fees would include Woy Woy, Ettalong, Gavenlock, James Brown, McEvoy, Rogers Park, Umina, Austin Butler and Lemongrove.
Fields such as Rogers Park and Umina Oval currently incur a daily usage fee of $150.
Council officers have stated that removing the fees would lower the income from the grounds across the municipality by $200,000 which would reduce spending on the grounds.
The reduction would be in capital improvements, park improvements, the sportsground renovation program and higher maintenance levels would either be reduced or passed onto the user groups to undertake.
The use of council facilities by all sports has increased dramatically in recent years, causing additional wear and tear on the grounds.
The current fee system is based on 15 to 20 per cent of cost recovery.
The use of change rooms, toilets and canteen facilities are provided free of charge.
Council also provides the Recreation Assistance Grants Program that is for the benefit of local sporting clubs.
This grant program provides $40,000 annually to clubs.
Council allocates $250,000 annually for deep aeration and top dressing to improve soil conditions and promote better turf.
The current fee system allowed council to regulate the use of its sportsgrounds, according to a report prepared by the council's recreation section staff.
Through the charge for usage, a club is encouraged to book just to meet its needs, rather than over-booking a facility.
The bonds for keys and wet weather usage encourages clubs to show more responsibility in caring for their sportsground, the report states.
Council staff found that councils in surrounding areas were working under a user pays fee system similar to Gosford's, but the fees generally tend to be lower.
The user pays system has been in operation for over 25 years.
Council agenda CS.3, January 25