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Collapse Issue 155 - 27 Nov 2006Issue 155 - 27 Nov 2006

More petitions on Ettalong foreshore

Gosford Council has received yet more petitions, both for and against the Ettalong Beach Reserve Plan of Management, which was recently on public exhibition.

One petition, with 633 signatures, asked the Department of Lands to withdraw the plans and seek independent coastal management specialist advice "to avoid putting the Ettalong Dune system and The Esplanade at increased risk of erosion".

Another petition, with 147 signatures, was received from residents supporting the Ettalong Beach Foreshore Management Plan.

The petition supported the plan provided that more of the beachfront was restored for public use, the proposed concrete wall was replaced with high quality timber and stainless steel fencing and that the vegetation consisted of low plantings and ground covers with greater emphasis on view lines and less on middle storey plantings.

Both petitions were referred to council's engineering services department.

The petitions will be considered along with others already tabled in council about the issue.

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