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Collapse Issue 155 - 27 Nov 2006Issue 155 - 27 Nov 2006

New environmental network forms

A new email network, to be known as the Broken Bay Environment Network, has been formed by representatives from "environmentally-concerned" groups betweem McMasters Beach and Patonga.

It will include areas facing Brisbane Water such as Ettalong, Booker Bay, Hardy's Bay and Wagstaffe.

The network is open to any group with an interest in issues such as bush care, dune care, coast care, water/desalination/bore fields, sustainable growth and community groups with concerns about their local environment.

The network will have representatives from the various groups, who will act as gateways to their members.

"The aim is to give information about educational programs such as those run at the Woy Woy Environment Centre, Recycling Open Days run by Gosford Council, film screenings and upcoming decisions to be made in Council," said publicity officer Ms Sheelagh Noonan.

"The network will enable local people to share information speedily about common environmental issues, relevant government legislation and action being taken or to be taken at all levels about our environment.

"Recent issues were a marine park, sand mining, and coastal foreshore protection.

"The catalyst for the formation of the network was the recent large turnout for the showing of the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth at Ettalong," said Ms Noonan.

The film dealt with climate change, and attracted 140 people from Avoca to Patonga. Many members of the audience stayed back for discussion and networking.

To receive information for a group, or as an individual, contact Sheelagh Noonan at

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