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Collapse Issue 155 - 27 Nov 2006Issue 155 - 27 Nov 2006

Resort chosen for conference

The Outrigger Ettalong Beach Resort will be the venue for the 2008 Australian Sister Cities Association's national conference.

Gosford Council and Central Coast Tourism said they would work closely to involve local businesses, schools, and cultural and community groups in the event that would attract international as well as Australia-wide attendance.

Both organisations anticipated that over 300 delegates would attend the conference and local, national and internationally-acclaimed speakers would be invited.

Chairman of the Gosford Sister City Association, Cr Robert Bell, said the successful bid for the event presented "a golden opportunity for Gosford to host a world-class conference".

"The event will provide dynamic opportunities to develop economic, sporting and cultural activities that enrich our area," Cr Bell said.

Central Coast Tourism CEO Horst Endrulat said local accommodation, restaurant, retail and leisure operators would greatly benefit from the event.

The conference will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the signing of Gosford's sister city agreements with Edogawa, Japan, and Nitra, Slovakia.

The conference theme, Sense of Place, will highlight our local Aboriginal culture as well as showcasing worldwide indigenous cultures.

The program will also seek to blend Australia's indigenous history with the "rich and exciting" indigenous communities around the globe encouraging learning through story telling, performing arts, re-enactment of rituals and contemporary presentations.

A combined effort between Council and Central Coast Tourism achieved the win for the conference.

The successful bid was announced on November 13 during the current conference in Devonport, Tasmania.

The conference is planned to coincide with the Australian Springtime Flora Festival when the region expects to receive visitors from the Sister Cities of Edogawa in Japan and Nitra in Slovakia.

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