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Red Cross branch meets

Umina Beach Red Cross Branch held its annual meeting on July 12 at the Umina Beach Uniting Church Community Centre.

The president opened the meeting and welcomed the new zone representative, Ms Aileen Moss, of Lakehaven Branch, and fellow members.

After the annual report was read, Ms Moss presented service awards to Les Anderson, Monica Davis, May Kane, Doreen Moyes, Gloria Peachey and Jenny Vanderberg.

Ten Years' service medals were presented to Jeanette Davie, Monica Davis and Helen Ukovic.

Ms Moss then took the chair for election of officers.

Elected were honorary president Ms Marion Anderson, honorary vice-presidents Ms Gloria Peachey and Ms Helen Ukovic, and honorary social secretary Ms Margaret Edwards.

Franki Oates accepted the invitation to be patron of the branch for another year.

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