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Commitment to education or employment

Students at Brisbane Water Secondary College publicly committed themselves to be in full-time education and training or full-time employment by March next year, during a ceremony at Woy Woy Campus on Wednesday, August 30.

"This is a significant event for our students and part of an initiative called Creating Our Future," said senior campus principal Mr David Beattie.

"Aimed at students in Year 10, they have completed a variety of learning activities designed to better equip them for the future.

"Many students will continue into Year 11 or TAFE and will have a pathway to the higher school certificate, while some will join the workforce.

"We want all our students to have the necessary skills and abilities to make a contribution to society."

The initiative has been running all year and students have learned about learning styles, social skills, jobs and careers, subjects for the HSC, and have developed skills that employers require, such as communication and teamwork.

All students have also developed a personal education and training plan where they have mapped their pathways to future jobs and careers.

A careers expo held last June was also an important part of this process, Mr Beattie said.

Students had the opportunity to talk to employers and training providers about their options.

The college also runs an extensive work experience program and had a number of senior students completing school-based part-time traineeships.

"The support from our local community, especially the Chamber of Commerce, Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club and Woy Woy Leagues Club has been a real feature," said Mr Beattie.

"We are always on the lookout for opportunities for our students with traineeships and apprentices being high on our list."

The college offers more than 45 subjects in Years 11 and 12, providing personalised programs of study for the students.

"We are confident that students who graduate from the college are well prepared for the workforce," said Mr Beattie.

"It is the real focus of everything we do."

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