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Newsletter launched

Residents in the Hardys Bay and neighbouring communities have "warmly greeted" the first issue of Bay News, according to Hardys Bay Resident Group secretary Mr Allan Wilson.

Mr Wilson said the newsletter had been described as "one which focuses most comprehensively on a number of concerns vitally relevant to the local region's welfare".

An initiative of the Hardys Bay Residents Group, the newsletter was officially launched recently and will be produced on a quarterly basis.

In a front page column welcoming readers to Bay News, the president of the Residents Group Mr Adrian Williams commented: " Our group's commitment to our communities is to assist in providing and sustaining a healthy environment and lifestyle for all.

"We firmly believe its effectiveness is based on a positive approach of finding solutions rather than seeking objections."

He said: "In this initial issue, Bay News provides a sweeping review of the various matters the Hardys Bay Residents Group is currently addressing.

"I would like to acknowledge the wonderful encouragement and help the local media has given us in setting up our first publication.

"Additionally, I am grateful to the many people in our community who are supporting us and working so hard to achieve successful outcomes."

Among the broad range of issues featured in the newsletter are those relating to the Salt Marsh Mosquitoes, Baywatch, sedimentation, oyster leases, traffic and safety, law and order, and doggie bags, in which group members have introduced a program designed to clear the areas of dog waste, through the placement, and constant monitoring, of bio-degradable bags in four Hardys Bay and Pretty Beach locations.

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