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Readers are being drip-fed

Gosford Council has, as part of its water recycling initiative, slipped the prospect of sewer mining across to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) in March this year.

Informed people know IPART as an information black hole!

And just when did the Central Coast become part of the Metropolitan area?

IPART was at the time reviewing recycled water and sewer mining for the metropolitan area.

Taxpayers should seriously consider why such important issues continue to be directed by individuals, who are essentially faceless, from behind closed doors.

Reporters are hand-fed information to make readers feel informed when in fact they are being drip-fed a line of conditioning.

I am not aware of any legitimate media outcry about the public meetings at Mangrove Mountain being closed to the public.

All water is community water here on the Woy Woy Peninsula or in the aquifer under the Azzopardie farm.

Government is only the custodian, the representative of the people.

Ms McCann has a long way to go before people could consider themselves "informed" if the talk delivered to the Peninsula Residents Action Group is anything to go by.

Certainly it was a long afternoon.

But important questions were left hanging.

For example, is the new water pipeline from the Hunter to carry fluoridated water or not?

And if it is, how is that helpful to water consumers in the unfluoridated Gosford Local Government Area?

These questions were voiced and the water authority-government response was confusing.

Importantly, information which was once accessible is now restricted, possibly because it's release conflicts with what ratepayers were led to believe over the last two decades.

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