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Required to report

Jihad Jack Thomas is considered by some to be guilty without proof.

Okay, but why stop there?

We have parliaments in each State and the ACT full of people who have repeatedly over many years failed to serve the people supposedly electing them.

Not only do they shamelessly misrepresent reality to deceive citizens but often to work to advantage their cronies.

Similarly we have the case of perspiring applicant politicians who over their time on local council have proven their inability to attain reasonable competence, financial control and to store water.

I suggest therefore that if Jihad Jack is required to report to police three times a week and use a bugged GPS phone, our politicians should similarly be required to report to their electorate and have their telephone conversations broadcast on the Internet.

Such a move would well and truly support Prime Minister Howard's assertion that Australia does not need equality through a Bill of Rights because it has a democratic parliament.

A far stronger logic and history than that finding Jihad Jack guilty has been shown by the culpability of the politicians.

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