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Champions retain golf title

Reigning champions Brian Carmichael and Adrian Kerr successfully retained their title returning a score of 134 to fend off Neill Carmichael and Brendan James with 142 in men's golf at Everglades Country Club.

The "B" grade title was won by Mark Sampson and Greg MacFarlane with a score of 162, winning by five shots from Garry Uptin and Doug Mates.

Glenn Barlow and Peter Stubley on 124 narrowly defeated Craig New and Bob Thompson on 126 for the "C" grade title.

In the nett events, Mark Nomchong and Tony Tully on 131 held off Kevin Dawkings and Ken O'Loughlin on 132.

Ray Jacobson and Trevor Cheetham grabbed the "B" grade on 139 by countback over Barry and Tim Lambert.

Jake Bevan and Jim Steele with 97 and three quarters proved to be too good for Ron Sleigh and Larry McLennan with 100 and one quarter.

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