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Finance business siting opposed

A recommendation has been made that Gosford Council decline a draft local environment plan for a section of Ocean Beach Rd, Woy Woy, to allow a financial planning business.

Council officers recommended the refusal for several reasons including an adverse impact on the residential facilities of the area, increased traffic, and a lack of strategic basis of commercial businesses in residential areas.

A rezoning application was received in September 2003 from the applicant proposing to create an enabling clause for Lot 41A Ocean Beach Rd to allow the use of the site for a financial planning business which would otherwise only be allowed within a 3(a), 3(b) or 3(c) zone

The land is currently zoned 2(b) Residential under the Gosford Planning Scheme Ordinance (GPSO).

Council officers stated that the use of the site primarily as a financial planning business could result in some undesirable impacts.

These include setting an undesirable precedent for establishing commercial businesses in residential zones, which could contribute to the decreased economic viability of the Woy Woy town centre through the provision of cheap alternative commercial land.

Additionally the use would have different traffic, parking and amenity characteristics compared to the adjoining residential areas.

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