Malibu club produces male nude calendar
The Ocean Beach Malibu Club has produced a male nude calendar to raise money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
All profits raised from calendar sales will be donated to support prostate cancer.
Club president Mr Craig Coulton said: "We have supported many charities over the years and, at a general meeting earlier this year, it was decided the club would donate solely to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia," he said.
H said club secretary Mr Ken Darby first suggested the idea of producing a nude charity calendar featuring the club's members five years ago and continued suggesting the idea since.
"Ken lives on acreage at Somersby and had the perfect location for the photo shoot, a dam on his farm, secluded enough for privacy from prying eyes, together with features and props to add interest to the pictures.
"When the idea was put to the members late last year, several of the younger (and I might say better looking) members of the club showed great interest in being involved.
"The committee had remained basically unchanged for six years and it was time to get some of the younger members involved in the running of the club.
"It was difficult getting them interested in attending the AGM each year and as such, no younger members were being elected to the committee.
"So in their wisdom, last year's committee decided to combine the 2011 AGM with the nude calendar photo shoot and that way we were guaranteed several of the younger members attending, with not only Brent Thoroughgood (contest director) and Hayden Emery (social director) being elected to the committee, but three other young members forming a social committee.
"Photographing the event was great fun.
"Being a lovely warm January day, there were no excuses.
"After the first five minutes of awkwardness, soon everything was on display and the hilarity began.
"I have never witnessed so many grown men killing themselves laughing for such an extended period of time.
"The props supplied by Ken certainly completed the photos, discretely leaving something to the imagination.
"While the calendar concentrates on the younger members, ladies 18 to 80 have been catered for," he said.
Email, 22 May 2011
Craig Coulton, Ocean Beach Malibu Club