Put care of the planet first
The end of year hype is over and the New Year is ahead.
May I wish readers every good wish for the brand new year and the second decade of century 2000.
What lies ahead for the planet?
If we do not consider what we are doing to this extraordinary planet, which we all regard as our home and provider, then we will all be off this blue orb before the century is done.
There is a growing urgent need to rationalise the way we do things all over this extraordinary planet: How we use resources, and more importantly, share them between us, because this world's offerings are not for the dollar and those who worship it.
The planet's resources are not for the greedy to grab and not for the avaricious to line their wallets and make cushy lives for themselves and their chosen few.
We must all learn to care and share and give a "hand up" to those who have fallen behind and always, and at all times, respect the planet and its gifts to us.
The planet already has far too many people on it to support, so let your vote go toward the care of the planet first.
Letter, 27 Dec 2010
Zoe Russell, Umina