Substation will take two years
The electricity substation, now under construction at Empire Bay, is not expected to be in commission for another two years.
Construction is not expected to be completed until July 2012 and testing and commissioning carried between then and early 2013, according a construction schedule announced by Energy Australia last week.
Bores will be constructed underneath Empire Bay Dr between February and April this year to provide electrical connection with the site.
Technicians will be on site from September to install new electrical equipment.
Construction hours will be between 7am and 6pm weekdays and 8am and 1pm on Saturdays.
According to Energy Australia, activities will be similar to most construction sites.
"There will be intermittent disturbances to the local community resulting from increased traffic and noise, particularly in the first six months of work during the excavation and concrete pouring."
Some vibration and dust may be experienced during the excavation works.
However, Energy Australia "will endeavour to undertake the activities that cause the most noise during less sensitive times of the day".
Newsletter, 5 Jan 2010
Energy Australia website