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Collapse Issue 198 - 01 Sep 2008Issue 198 - 01 Sep 2008
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Ceremony for Vietnam vets

A special ceremony was held at the Ettalong Beach waterfront Vietnam Veteran's Memorial on August 16, to commemorate Vietnam Veterans Day and the 42nd Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan.

Member for Robertson Ms Belinda Neal joined president of the Gosford Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veteran's Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association of Australia Mr Richard Gray and other members of the public to mark the event.

Ms Neal said celebration of Vietnam Veteran's Day and the 42nd Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan at Ettalong waterfront was a fitting recognition of the service provided by local residents to the nation.

"The Battle of Long Tan on August 18, 1966, was one of the defining engagements of Australian forces in Vietnam," Ms Neal said.

"The men of D Company 6RAR performed distinguished service, showing tremendous courage and professionalism under great pressure from superior forces."

Ms Neal said the anniversary day coincided with the Rudd Government's announcement to confer higher military awards on three soldiers who fought at Long Tan and the whole of the D Company.

"An independent review of service recognition of the Battle of Long Tan found that the new awards will properly recognise the individuals and collective gallantry of the men at Long Tan," Ms Neal said.

A special march at Ettalong waterfront and a dinner at Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club were also held on the day to commemorate the anniversary.

Mr Gray said Long Tan was the first major battle between Australian troops and North Vietnamese Regular Army forces and remains a battle of great significance to all Vietnam Veterans.

"Long Tan Day is the one day of the year when Vietnam Veterans can remember the fallen and we can reflect on those members who did return," Mr Gray said.


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