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Novel launch in Umina

Local author and illustrator Jason Te Puia will launch his new novel, Legends of Maui, between 11am and 1pm on Saturday, November 26, at Book Bazaar in West St, Umina.

The illustrated novel was launched in New Zealand in July this year.

The story is based on Maui, a legend of New Zealand and Polynesian history.

Maui was credited with many great deeds, such as slowing the sun so the crops could grow, inventing nets so the people could catch fish and capturing the secret of fire.

The novel explores two of Maui's legendary exploits: Maui Slows the Sun and Maui Battles Tuna Roa, the Giant Eel.

They are re-told in the style of comic book superheroes.

Mr Te Puia's wife Michelle said stunning black and white illustrations and sharp story-telling set the scene and gave pace to each tale, re-told for a modern audience.

"Especially suited to early teen readers, the innovative treatment given to these traditional stories will make them a favourite," Ms Te Puia said.

"Jason first came up with the idea to illustrate Maui for a teen audience while he was battling leukemia in 2003.

"His daughter Charlotte was only two years old when he was given the horrible news that he had a life-threatening illness."

Mr Te Puia said it was because of the strength of his wife and daughter that he decided to pursue a dream of drawing while he was not working full-time and fighting for his life.

"With the birth of his second child, a son, he fought harder to achieve his dreams," Ms Te Puia said.

"Not only had he beaten leukemia with the unforgettable help of his eldest brother with a bone marrow transplant, he has now achieved his dream of being published."

Mr Te Puia is continuing with his second graphic novel which explores The Secret of Fire and a yet to be decided legend of Maui.

He said he and his family looked forward to meeting everyone at the launch of his book.

He would discuss not only the many legends of Maui, but the process of drawing comics, his fight for life with leukemia and experiencing Maori and Polynesian culture.

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