Unaware of vandalism
I doubt people were impressed when Brisbane Water Local Area Commander Police Superintendent Alan Clark said publicly that the first he had heard about a spate of vandalism on businesses was in Friday's paper.
Police did not know about the problem (street crime and vandalism) because business did not report it.
Serving police, particularly those who live locally, would need to be blind to remain unaware of the graffiti, glass damage and public drunkenness occurring in their immediate communities and across the state of NSW.
But we all know how statistics work: No report record equals no crime. Right?
We are not well represented while it remains virtually impossible to approach senior public servants or elected representatives.
Both are responsible for our safety and good government.
Superintendent, it is embarrassing to be present when you attempt to spin an inept government into a good light.
You are not paid to be an apologist for a lousy police presence.
The fact that access to you and others is systemically filtered through the lower ranks is an offensive political ruse, which obviously facilitates your deniability.
It is wearing thin while we endure escalating vandalism, symptomatic of a statewide increase in property crimes and crime against the person.
For senior police and our government to plead ignorance is to presume people are habitually stupid.
We are not.
Edward James, Umina