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Fast ferry is wanted

I refer to recent articles by Margaret Lund of Woy Woy and Ed James of Umina who continually complain about potential positive changes for our community, in particular the fast ferry project for Ettalong.

Do they purport to be the experts on this multi-million dollar ferry operation?

Why are they trying to sabotage the project by contacting the fast ferry brokers and owners of shipping companies as they write in their published articles?

Haven't these people heard the words "breach against the Fair Trade Practices Act"?

Are these people not aware that anyone, who is caught working against a company to cause financial damage or prevent a business transaction can be sued under the Fair Trade Practise Act?

These people are way out of their depths and should be mindful of legal implications.

The majority of residents on the Peninsula are tired of hearing from the same people who exercise their extreme points of view.

The majority of the Peninsula residents want positive change and a future for their children.

We want the fast ferry to happen.

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