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Collapse Issue 127 - 04 Oct 2005Issue 127 - 04 Oct 2005
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Catholic land plans disappear

Copies of the development application for the Catholic land at the corner Hillview St and Veron Rd, disappeared from Woy Woy library during the exhibition period.

The plans, currently before the Land and Environment Court, disappeared from the libraries during August, according to Gosford Council's director of environment and planning Ms Colleen Worthy-Jennings.

Ms Worthy-Jennings was responding to a question from Cr Terri Latella on August 2 asking why council had withdrawn exhibition of the plans at Woy Woy Library.

Ms Worthy-Jennings said the application was advertised in the newspaper on July 20 with a closing date for submissions of August 19.

Notification letters were sent to all neighbours and those persons who had made submissions, Ms Worthy-Jennings said.

Copies of plans and documents were provided to Gosford Library on July 27 where they were sent to Woy Woy and Erina Libraries.

"Gosford Library has confirmed it still has its copy, however, copies supplied to Erina and Woy Woy are missing," Ms Worthy-Jennings said.

"Staff are unable to ascertain what happened to these copies although occasionally persons accessing the information take the plans and documents with them."

Ms Worthy-Jennings stated that at no time was any instruction given by Environment and Planning staff to withdraw the development application from exhibition.

A new copy of the documents/plans was hand-delivered to Woy Woy library on Friday, August 5.

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