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Collapse Issue 127 - 04 Oct 2005Issue 127 - 04 Oct 2005
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HSC projects examined

The examination of major works and projects by HSC students at Brisbane Water Secondary College senior campus at Woy Woy ended last week.

This marked the end of a period of hard work by students and teachers at the campus, according to principal Mr David Beattie.

"Many of our students do a practical project as a part of their HSC," Mr Beattie said.

"These range from performances in music and drama, to artworks and projects in the technology and woodwork areas.

"The students work on them through their Year 12 course and the projects count for up to 60 per cent of the marks in the HSC."

Mr Beattie said that four students had experienced outstanding success with their projects being nominated for State-wide exhibition.

In Design and Technology, senior student Sarah Harvey had her major project, a children's book, nominated for Designtech.

Mr Beattie said: "This exhibition is held at the Powerhouse Museum and then tours regional museums around NSW.

"The exhibition is for the best of the best projects."

In drama, one of the group performances was also selected for Onstage, which is the presentation of the best drama works at the Seymour Theatre in Sydney.

Alex Beaton, Daniel Stone, Sarah Harvey and Amanda Lilleyman devised and performed the work, "The Half Glass".

"Selection at State level is also a very good indicator that students have received full marks for that section of their HSC," Mr Beattie said.

"Congratulations go to the students and their teachers, Mrs Curry and Mr Faulds for the enormous amount of work that they have put into those projects," Mr Beattie said.

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