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Collapse Issue 127 - 04 Oct 2005Issue 127 - 04 Oct 2005
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Talking and listening

Year 6 students at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary school have focused on developing and fine tuning their listening and talking skills as part of the literacy curriculum this term, according to family liaison officer Ms Beth Riley.

They have been rewarded with Sophie Stratton winning the Diocesan public speaking finals.

"All students prepared and presented a speech based on a chosen topic," Mr Riley said.

"These speeches were presented to their peers, principal and other staff members. "The quality of these speeches was quite outstanding."

Of the 53 students, 12 were short-listed and asked to present their speeches to another audience, consisting of members from the community with experience adjudicating speeches.

"Two students were chosen from this experience to represent our school at Central Coast Cluster Public Speaking," Ms Riley said.

"Sophie Stratton and Gregory Aouad spoke with confidence, animation and expression.

"The content of their speeches was concise, relevant and interesting.

"They were both awarded a place which put them into the Diocesan finals that were held at Berowra.

"Once again they presented their speeches and in addition an impromptu speech.

"The standard of speeches on the night was extremely high.

"We were very proud and excited when Sophie was announced as the winner on the night."

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