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Collapse Issue 126 - 19 Sep 2005Issue 126 - 19 Sep 2005
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Medicare time increased

Woy Woy Medicare office will increase its opening times by an extra hour, Mondays to Fridays, according to Member for Robertson Mr Jim Lloyd.

Mr Lloyd recently announced that Woy Woy Medicare would be one of three Central Coast Medicare offices to extend its hours.

The offices in Gosford, Erina and Woy Woy will now open from 9am until 5pm to allow Central Coast residents more time to claim Medicare benefits, register for the Medicare Safety Net and access the family assistance office, according to Mr Lloyd.

"Medicare services are always under review to determine how best to cater for customer's needs," Mr Lloyd said.

"More flexible hours are one way to ensure that working individuals and families can access Medicare service on their way home from work."

"A 9.8 per cent increase in the bulk-billing rates in the electorate of Robertson over the past year has shown there is a higher demand for Medicare services," said Mr Llyod.

"Medicare offices started trading on Saturday mornings in June this year, and the initiative has been an enormous success so we are continuing to build on the commitment of providing the best possible services to Medicare customers."

The Woy Woy Medicare is located in Deepwater Plaza, Woy Woy.

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