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Collapse Issue 126 - 19 Sep 2005Issue 126 - 19 Sep 2005
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Heather steps down

Heather McKenzie did not stand for re-election as president of Older Women's Network Woy Woy branch at our annual meeting on August 3.

As taking the floor is not my forte I have penned a few lines, to thank her for the wonderful job she has done leading this branch.

My introduction to OWN was by invitation to a social gathering.

Among those invited were a group of women from the Philippines who exhibited their cultural background by song and dance.

I thought it was a fun and informative morning and joined OWN that day.

Heather has added enormously to the scope of this branch by making it more active in the community, organising grand ventures such as the concert of OWN's Songbirds which was followed by lunch and on a smaller scale the Fish and Chips Lunch to which we invited other branches of OWN.

We helped to organise concerts such as the one at Ettalong. And who could ever forget Mo's lecture which has been followed by other such events equally enjoyable by all.

It is, we all know, largely due to her public image, that we are still able to have our meetings at no cost to us at the League's Club, as well as to enjoy a nice get together at Christmas.

Heather also ensured that we had the community bus at our disposal, which enabled us once a month to go on bus trips and this special privilege was again largely due to her standing in the community.

If I am not always able to go on these lovely outings, the times I do are doubly enjoyable.

The trip to the water reservoir will always be one of my very fondest memories.

I am now unable to "go bush" and to be there among the gum trees with the wattle in bloom gave me infinite joy.

There have been a lot of bus trips and they all have been informative and very enjoyable outings.

It is not always that we have a chance to say "thank you" or rather it somehow gets lost in between life's hum drum necessities.

However, I did want to take this opportunity to thank Heather for the grand job she has done with OWN Woy Woy.

She has given unstintingly of herself for the advancement of this branch, which has been beneficial to all members as well as the community around us.

I want to thank her for everything she has done as it has been appreciated.

I am sure all members are in agreement on this.

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