Seminar on Alzheimer's
An Alzheimer seminar is planned for September 21 at the Woy Woy Bowling Club.
A speaker from Alzheimer's Australia NSW will cover topics such as what memory is, what people can do to help them remember better, how memory changes with ageing, when people should be worried about their memory and what people can do to find out more.
The event is free and will include morning tea.
The event will be held from 10am to noon on Wednesday, September 21, at the Woy Woy Bowling Club, Brickwharf Rd, Woy Woy.
The program is sponsored by Alzheimer's Australia NSW, and the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care.
Registration for the seminar is essential, and can be made by contacting 4394 8229 or 9888 4260.
Press release, September 16
Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care