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Collapse Issue 126 - 19 Sep 2005Issue 126 - 19 Sep 2005
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Peninsula may get top basketballer

Former Peninsula resident and Women's National Basketball League player Ms Brook McInnes has applied for a job at the Peninsula Leisure Centre.

Woy Woy South Public School teacher Mr Robert Landow said Ms McInnes had applied for a position at the new facility at Woy Woy so that she could repay the Peninsula for the opportunities it gave her and be a role model for the up and coming generation children of the Peninsula.

"I can vividly recall putting a basketball in her hand at Woy Woy South Primary School when she was about eight years of age," Mr Landow said.

Ms McInnes moved to Adelaide following completion of her HSC at Umina High School on a sports contract with Women's National Basketball League team Adelaide Lighting.

She attended the gym in Adelaide for her basketball but also started to pursue her own accreditations in training to enable her to take classes.

She then attended Adelaide University and completed a Batchelor or Nursing Degree and worked for Adelaide and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals in South Australia.

Brook was offered a place with Women's National Basketball League team Sydney Flames and in 2001 won the National Championship while working at Sutherland Shire Hospital in the trauma and emergency ward.

She won the Graduate Nurse of the Year award in her first year of completing her nursing degree.

Ms McInnes then moved to Shepparton, Victoria, and began working at Goulburn Valley Base Hospital in the trauma and emergency ward on a part time basis to allow her to put more time into fitness and has since gained many accreditations with the Les Mills Fitness Academy.

She works for Aqua Moves Gym in Shepparton and also has classes at Barooga Gym.

Ms McInnes has been offered a management position at Goulburn and that position is pending the outcome of her application with the Peninsula Leisure Centre.

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