No action on business levy
Gosford Council has unanimously resolved to take no further action on the proposed Peninsula business levy.
The move followed a resurvey of business property owners on the Peninsula, which returned a figure of 97 per cent against the introduction of the proposed levy, with four votes in favour and 130 against.
One property owner was undecided.
The second letter and survey were forwarded to all business property owners who would be affected by the special rate on May 12.
A public meeting was also held at the Peninsula Theatre on Monday, May 23.
The vote at the public meeting showed four votes in favour of the levy and 111 against.
A council report stated that "the comments and questions raised at the meeting were very critical of council and the proposal and the comments contained in the 130 No survey responses varied from outrage at the imposition of an additional levy, dissatisfaction with council, dissatisfaction with the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, and a combination of all three".
The report went on to state that "based on the second survey result, a submission to the Minister would not be appropriate".
Cr Trevor Drake said he was concerned how the council had got it so wrong.
Cr Drake said he saw the levy as a chance for the Peninsula to move forward adding that he could see the advantages of the rate.
Cr Drake also asked if the levy could be revisited down the track, stating he did not want the Peninsula to be forgotten.
Cr Robert Bell regarding how council could conduct the process better in the future.
General manager Mr Peter Wilson suggested that next time council take a greater role in the process.
Umina anti-levy activist Mr Ed James was also present at the meeting to voice on placards his concerns over the proposed levy and the way the story had been approached by News Limited.
Mayor Cr Malcolm Brooks had Mr James removed from the public meeting for refusing to be silent and for displaying the placards.
Lyle Stone, Council agenda FS.69, June 7