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Men's support centre planned

A Men's Shed is to be established as a men's support centre at the Umina PCYC.

The shed will also be host to multipurpose workshops.

Men's Shed project coordinator Mr Derek Morrison said many men today were socially isolated due to unemployment, separation, divorce or death of a spouse or partner.

He said that many of these men no longer felt they had a recognised purpose due to this isolation.

"The Peninsula has many men experiencing a sense of being disengaged from living a meaningful life," Mr Morrison said.

"Day to day contact with other men has proven to be effective in establishing a renewed enthusiasm for life, providing an environment where men can meet and establish a sense of belonging whilst engaging in meaningful activity," he said.

"A proposal to build a Men's Shed on the Peninsula, sharing the site occupied by the PCYC, is an exciting opportunity to provide a much-needed service to men in our community."

Mr Morrison said the mission of the Men's Shed would be to provide a space where men felt comfortable and safe.

Gosford Council owned the land and Cr Chris Holstein was seeking council's support for the project.

The shed had been funded for construction and now awaits council approval.

Cr Holstein and Mr Morrison were calling for interested individuals and groups who wished to embrace the concept and form a community working group.

A date and time for the forum has yet to be advised.

For more information or to register, contact 4342 3959.

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