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Exploring the coastal environment

A series of events entitled "Sand to Sea", that explore the coastal environment of the Killcare area will be presented by the Killcare Wagstaffe Trust.

The series of events will start on Saturday, April 9, and finish on Sunday, April 24, coinciding with the school holidays.

Organisations involved in presenting and supporting activities will include Rumbalara Environment Education Centre, Community Environment Network, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ocean and Coastal Care Initiatives, Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre, Finland Aquarium of Tuggerah and the Association of Environmental Education.

The program will be managed by Mark Attwooll from Rumbalara.

Editor of the Killcare, Wagstaffe Trust newsletter Ms Jeannette Thiering said the activities would be different from past years in that a timetable of guided walks, competitions, talks and displays would be available.

Events will include a photo shoot, a whale rescue workshop, talks on fish harvesting and fish, bird watching, bushwalking and bush taming and an octopus discussion.

Most events are free.

Every day at the Maitland Bay information centre, there will also be continuous displays including photographs, shell collections and computer images.

For more information about the activities contact 4360 2178 or 4360 1801.

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