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The battle to save Woy Woy Council Chambers

I really agree with the current mayor of Parramatta when she said: "I've yet to see a good old building replaced by a better one."

Well, it's pretty obvious that most Australians want to preserve the best of our built heritage, so count me in as well.

Newly elected to Gosford Shire Council in 1977, I was very impressed with a newspaper article about the efforts in preserving the built heritage of the Blue Mountains.

So, I thought, let's look at the Woy Woy Peninsula.

A tour was arranged with representatives of the Brisbane Water Historical Society and the Gosford Heritage Group.

We looked at all the historic buildings which included many former boarding and guest houses.

But the stand-outs for me were the Woy Woy Hotel and the publicly-owned Woy Woy Council Chambers, now a municipal library.

But, lo, the building was under threat.

In May 1974 approval was given by council to a developer to develop land where the old picture show palace was located, Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy.

They wanted to incorporate the council buildings in the shopping complex and the old council chambers were to be demolished.

My dreams were shattered. But never say die, and so a long drawn out battle began to save the buildings.

My only ally in the council was Cr Joan Mort, but others were soon drawn to the camp to fight the good fight.

Stormy public meetings were held.

At one meeting, the chairman lost control and a near riot occurred, shouting matches and fisticuffs threatened.

The developers started to get alarmed at these events and more support was being gathered to retain the buildings.

Also there was a move, in wraps at the time, to develop a big shopping centre at George St, Woy Woy.

The Heritage Council of NSW thought a compromise could be organised so that the buildings could be preserved.

The Royal Institute of Architects believed that the building was one of the two buildings in Woy Woy of historical significance.

So it went on, individuals and organisations lending their support.

Beryl Strom of the Historic Research Group was tireless in her efforts.

The state member Mr Keith O'Connell and the Minister of Planning and Environment Mr Paul Landa made the conservation of Woy Woy's history a reality.

An Interim Conservation Order was placed on the building on October 12, 1979.

Later, Woy Woy was graced with two shopping centers. One large, one small.

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