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Major-minor pairs held

Ettalong Bowling Club recently hosted entrants from the Central Coast region and as far south as Dee Why for its annual Major-Minor Night Pairs tournaments.

The final was taken out by local pair Lindsay Adamson and Bob Penson, who shared in $2000 prize money.

They had their hands full defeating Gordon Ricketts and Peter Morron who took home $1000 between them.

After five knockout lead-up games, the final was played in inclement conditions under lights on March 4.

The result was made more notable by the fact the Lindsay Adamson and Bob Penson only came together as last minute partners following the unfortunate and untimely passing on of Ettalong bowler Warren Roots.

Mr Penson, who has not yet played pennant bowls, acknowledged after the event that Warren would surely have been delighted that they obtained the win.

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