Hundreds use public reserve
In reply to the ill-mannered assumptions of Peter Chapman (Peninsula News, February 7), I would like to write that there are no Betsy Trotwoods of the Dicken's novel "David Copperfield" who call out "Get off my green" near this public reserve.
That is excepting complaints about those cars who park over driveways to the roadway.
There are hundreds of walkers with or without dogs, joggers of all ages, school groups exercising and picnic-goers, fisherfolk and, I am afraid, there are opportunistic garden thieves.
More and more we allow our reserves and parks to be paved, tarred, denuded of trees and grass to be used by special interest groups at the expense of fauna and natural surroundings, which offer tranquillity to the eyes.
Enid Harrison, Woy Woy